
A strategy is a complicated thing that usually requires a unique approach - no one size fits all - as well as consistent follow-through even after it’s established. It’s probably best to get in touch so we can have a talk about your specific needs, aims, and challenges. But maybe you only need help with a specific element of the whole process; here’s a list of component services I can provide.

Sensing organizational aims

Shallow seas

You probably have at least a general idea of you want - you, as an individual. When it comes to organizations of individuals, though, it gets remarkably difficult to figure out what we’re doing, what we want to be doing, and how to bridge that gap.

Maybe you’re in a top-down organization, where top-management makes decisions and everyone below in the hierarchy executes. Or maybe you’re part of a small NGO that democratically arrives at strategic decisions.

Either way, the biggest problem working against you, dear reader, is that no matter the structures of power and information flow, it’s notoriougly hard to gain objective insights from within the organization.

As a qualitative researcher with 12 years of experience in this kind of thing, I specialize in interviewing people and analyzing what the total organization is thinking - which is notoriously difficult for any one individual within it.

You can think of this service as a type of diagnostic which will help you get a bearing on what your employees, coworkers, managers, and so on believe to be the group’s most formidable strengths and potential opportunities.


Strategic opportunity mapping

Right, so you know what you want. Now it’s time to think about how to get there. What advantages do you have in your organization’s arsenal, and what can you gain along the way? Which opportunities are you focusing on, and which ones have you missed?

As an innovation strategy scientist and an experienced market researcher, I’m uniquely capable of helping you to identify primary and secondary value creation/capture opportunities.

We’ll discuss a bit about what it would cost to track down those opportunities, and after mapping these out alongside your organizational aims, I’ll hand you a decision-making framework to make the process of getting to your destination as simple as possible.

Scenario design & prototyping

Cool: you’re armed with all the information and capabilities you need to make things happen. What if it doesn’t go as planned?

It probably won’t, as anybody who’s ever planned & executed anything will tell you. As Dwight D. Eisenhower once said, though, “plans are worthless; but planning is everything.” So, we’ll plan.

It helps to think of the worst- and best-case scenarios, then to grid them along what’s most and least likely. With my military background as well as hardware innovation experience, I can guide you through both the strategic-executive dimenions of this (e.g., “what actions do we need to take as an organization to mitigate these risks?”) as well as the service/product dimensions (e.g., “what additional services can we provide at lowest cost to keep our clients satisfied, despite these risks?”)

Does your matter require a deeper dive? Let’s have a chat.